Position Descriptions


The president serves as the official representative of the branch in activities of AAUW at all levels, including branch website, and must have served on branch board to qualify.

Presides at branch and board meetings, upholds the bylaws, appoints committee chairs, submits required new officer report to AAUW CA and AAUW National by the deadlines.

Writes president’s message for newsletter, represents the branch at AAUW conventions, when possible, reporting the highlights to branch members, and encouraging member participation.


The branch treasurer deposits the branch’s income and pays the branch’s expenses.

She drafts the branch budget for the approval of the finance committee and the board, monitors the balances of the branch accounts, and reports on the financial status of the branch each month, or as requested by the branch president.

The treasurer is responsible for entering new and renewing members into the national membership database, for completing state and national tax forms, and for applying for and reporting on the branch’s raffle fundraisers.


Attend board meetings and take minutes; name all attendees; record motions for vote, seconds and vote results, as well as pertinent information from board member reports, announcements, discussions and action items.

Within two weeks after the meeting, e-mail a draft of the minutes to all board members for additions or corrections.

Send final minutes, considered approved, to board and to Website Manager for uploading to our branch website.



Welcome new members, answer their questions, tell them about upcoming events; let them know that they will be receiving a directory, and that directories and newsletters are available on our website, and that someone will interview them for a bio for the newsletter to help members get to know them.

Send out directory and new member survey, order name tags, arrange for a bio (optional) to be written, with final forwarded for buddy assignment, the newsletter and the president.

Arrange an occasional new member tea, invite all new members. (Prospective members welcome.)  Delegate or attend meetings to enable people to join at a reduced rate under the “Shape the Future” program.


Establish Annual Programs Calendar

Recruit guest speakers

Arrange for venue and other details


The public policy committee selects a speaker at the annual public policy meeting to educate members and the public on policies that affect women in America and California.

Program topics chosen sometimes focus on significant events in women’s history, such as achieving the right to vote.

Advertise forthcoming meetings by posting flyers in libraries and businesses and communicating directly with nearby women’s groups and historical societies.


Responsible for designing, writing and distributing the monthly newsletter.

Gather all necessary info from contributors by the 10th of each month

Perform all activities related to having the newsletter printed and distributed to individuals and our website.


Establish and maintain scholarship criteria and relationship with Santa Rosa Junior College Scholarship program. Coordinate selection of AAUW Santa Rosa branch scholarships and perform a paper screening, interviews and contacting students post interview. Participate in AAUW program to honor all scholarship recipients.


Communicate with National AAUW as needed regarding AAUW Funds, including submission of branch donations, and receipt of reports regarding branch and individual member donations.

Report to board quarterly as National donation reports are received.

Submit branch nominations for AAUW Funds recognition awards by February each year as directed by board.


Maintain relationships with the Office of the Provost, the Financial Aid office and the Career Center: the Office of the Provost renews the annual university AAUW membership and assigns Campus Reps to work with our SSU Scholarship Chair.

Building a relationship with the Campus Reps ensures that AAUW Santa Rosa is visible on campus and allows opportunities to participate in campus events, and recruit interns.

The Financial Aid office manages the Branch Scholarship fund, using our Branch scholarship guidelines to award scholarships. The SSU Scholarship Chair also works with the Career Center in an effort to support their AAUW salary negotiation workshops (Smart Start and Work Smart).

Coordinate projects with intern, as needed; follow project progress and complete two reviews.


Continuously monitor and update branch website for content, periodically uploading new information and deleting outdated material.

Consistently post current membership directory, board meeting minutes, interest group and programs information, leadership list, etc.

Work with the newsletter editor to upload our branch newsletter on a monthly basis.


Monitor the branch Facebook page and post relevant and current material, notices, articles, etc. that promote or highlight our AAUW mission and our Santa Rosa branch.